About us

WE ALL STAND TOGETHER was founded in January 2024, The brand was created to help raise awareness for Mental Health/Cancer Support and Palliative Care for everyone. Business Owner & Fundraiser Daniel Bird used his personal experiences to come up with the idea of creating a business that would not only help him but that would help everyone affected by Mental health/Cancer or in need of palliative care. The message is simple and affective, we want to give everyone a reason to smile, feel part of a group that is helping to make a difference, no one should have to go through these hard times alone. We are supporting these organisations and donating towards their fantastic support they have to offer. When you wear a WE ALL STAND TOGETHER product you know and feel that you have made a difference in so many peoples lives and support a cause to bring people together.

Organisations we are supporting/Donating to:

Daniel Bird first had the idea to create a clothing brand to help raise awareness for mental health/Cancer support & Palliative care in January 2024. Dan started fundraising for the charities by creating a series of events around his local community to help raise donations and bring people together.
Daniel Quoted - In life we all come across hard times & situations when we feel we cant cope, the hardest part of facing these battles is to notice what you have around you and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE... When I faced some of the hardest tests in my life it was my Family and friends and the support networks out there that pulled me through these, going through these dark times led me to meet some incredible people that have now become very close friends. To hear other peoples stories and circumstances made me realise that I could relate to them and know I am not alone with my thoughts and feelings, This helped me find the strength and courage needed to overcome these situations as well as helping others. So no matter what life brings your way, we have one message that we want the world to know WE ALL STAND TOGETHER to overcome, cope and support anything thrown our way. Reach out and talk, you can do this, you are a winner, you are stronger than you think.
In 2024 a plan was made to create a clothing range to spread the message and contribute 25% of all profits between Suffolk Mind/Cancer Research UK/Macmillan & St Elizabeth Hospice to help with the fantastic work and services these charities and organisations provide.
Please help us spread the message and support these great causes.
Please find details of how to contact these networks and others below, and please remember WE ALL STAND TOGETHER.
Suffolk Mind
Website: www.suffolkmind.org.uk
Phone: 0300 111 6000
Email: info@suffolkmind.org.uk
Cancer Research UK
Website: www.cancerresearchuk.org
Phone: 0300 123 1022
Email: supporter.services@cancer.org.uk
Macmillan Cancer Support
Website: www.macmillan.org.uk
Phone: 0808 808 00 00
Email: contact@macmillan.org.uk
St Elizabeth Hospice
Website: www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk
Phone: 0800 567 0111
Email: enquiries@stelizabethhospice.org.uk
Website: www.samaritans.org
Phone: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Dan's Fundraising:
Social Media:
Facebook: Dan's Fundraising
Instagram: dans_fundraising9
Just Giving Pages:
Suffolk Mind: suffolkmind.org.uk/giving-pages/daniel-bird
Cancer Research UK: justgiving.com/page/dan-bird-1706395730044
Email: bigbird_17@hotmail.co.uk
Phone: 07860643639